TOSSEL- TOSS Entertainment League.

Register Here:



Rules For TOSSEL

Registration Rules for TOSSEL:

1. Letter from the school confirming alumni status
2. Letter from the school alumni association
3. Minimum 4 teams per sport. Else the game will be cancelled
4. Alumni membership ID Cards
5. Team registration required for team games.
6. One person can only represent one school.
7. One person may register for multiple sports. However, if the sport timing classes, the
individual will have to select one.
8. Girl participants may register for all sports but cricket.
9. An old school association can have more than one team.

Registration Fee:

INR 1000 per person per sport. Fees will be collected for playing participants only and not
for extras. For example, 11000 for cricket and 5000 for basketball.


Most of the games will be played at St. Stephen’s School, Sector 45B Chandigarh and St.
Stephen’s School, Togan. Games like Sqaush, Golf, etc. will be played in local establishments
within the tri-city region. Venues will be announced closer to the date.

Details for Individual Sports:

  • Cricket – 11 a side match with professional cricket ball.
  • Football – 11 a side.
  • Basketball – 5 a side.
  • Tennis – Singles/Doubles
  • Table Tennis – Singles/Doubles
  • Squash – Singles
  • Golf – 9hole/18hole (Team of minimum 2 and maximum 4)
  • Chess – Individual
  • Carrom – Individual
  • Badminton – Singles/Doubles
  • Cycling – Individual
  • Marathon – Individual
  • TOSS Challenge: Upon beating the TOSS team in Cricket, Football, Marathon and Cycling, the winning team’s registration fee shall be refunded.

ONLY the winner of the finals will get a refund, irrespective of TOSS reaching the finals.
If both TOSS teams are in the final, there will not be any refund.

Register Here:

Attendee List

No attendee found
  • Date : October 2, 2022 - October 6, 2022

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