Welcome to TOSS: Alumni Association

The Old Stephenian Society (TOSS) is the alumni association formed by the students who passed out of St. Stephen's School Sector 45, Chandigarh & St. Stephen's School, Sector 38(west), Togan. It is managed by an executive body chosen from within the community. It provides a platform for the old students of St. Stephen’s to come together and actively engage with past and present students and teachers.  


It provides a platform for the old students of both the schools to come together and actively be a part of the Stephenian family.


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Bulletin Board

Announcement Number 1

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Top 40
Celebrating 40th anniversary of St. Stephen's School, Chandigarh. Announcing TOP 40 Alumni.

Top 40 Alumni

To nominate someone for the Top 40 alumni list, CLICK HERE

Funding Support

Contribute To Toss

Toss needs support from their members to carry out various engagement activities.

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