Contribute To Toss

The TOSS Fund shall be utilized for the following Mentorship Program/ Skill Development, Financial Aid and Support Program for Teachers & Staff/ Sponsor TOSS Events,etc. If there is any other specific area where you would like TOSS to contribute on your behalf, please get in touch with us on 

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Please donate by scanning this QR code

Institute An Award

We at TOSS understand how special and treasured, the memories of a departed loved one are. The Passion & Dreams of the departed soul always keep lingering and we look at avenues to fulfill the same.If you wish to keep the name of your departed loved one alive and pursue his / her passion through a benevolent cause, we at TOSS are glad to extend an opportunity to do exactly the same by awarding a Scholarship & Award to the deserving student in the chosen field. We present to you the 'Name of the Person' Award in association with TOSS.

The award can be in the form of :

  • Sponsoring a Sports Event
  • Sponsoring the Education / Higher Education / Sporting Activity of a Deserving Student in the chosen field.
  • Yearly Scholarship for a deserving Student.
  • Sponsoring an Annual Lecture for Teachers / Students at the school
  • Or any other area that you shall like to pursue

The award shall be presented annually to the deserving Student who shall be selected by a jury comprising of the Principal St Stephen’s, Senior Staff Members & the TOSS Office Bearers.

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